IIS WebServer

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chew Lek Wah
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Chew Lek Wah

anyone knows what are the minimum components that must be in to support this
? the reason i'm asking is because adding IIS WebServer incurred > 100MB of
space with so many other components that i do not think i will need.

For a raw IIS (web-only) config you will need "IIS Common Libraries", "IIS
Core Libraries","IIS Internet Manager", and "IIS Web Server". The problem is
that the dependency chain goes wild from there. I would say (although this
will take time) turn off dependency checker, and start building from the
ground up. Sorry I can't help further....

Brad Combs
Imago Technologies
thanx for ur reply Brad. i did turn off the dependency checker ...and yep
the dependency chain went wild with outlook, ie and explorer and a whole
bunch of stuff i would not be using ... don't know how long it would take
and don't have the time to test and try turning on/off every dependency and
seeing whether it works or not. it's kinda ridiculous dragging in 100MB+ to
your image just for IIS. i'm sure there must be stuff u can ignore/delete.
anyone else can help ?
Does it have to be IIS you're running? I have an image
which uses Apache, and the whole image fits in under 100MB
I don't think I got round to putting the XPe apache
component onto XPEfiles.com, but I really should, and
write some docs to go with it... if you'd like to try
using Apache, I'd be happy to help with it.
i need a webserver that can run ASP ...

Heidi Linda said:
Does it have to be IIS you're running? I have an image
which uses Apache, and the whole image fits in under 100MB
I don't think I got round to putting the XPe apache
component onto XPEfiles.com, but I really should, and
write some docs to go with it... if you'd like to try
using Apache, I'd be happy to help with it.
We looked at the same thing.

We created a minlogin/cmd shell minimal image, and then
when we added the IIS stuff it didn't pull in any extras,
just the core stuff that was mentioned in this post.

The total was only a few mega-bytes.
