iis probs.


chris leeds

Hi All,
I'm using the test server that comes with xp pro. I've got a subweb with a
..net application in it. I've had another guy do a bunch of work on the live
web and it's all good.
I want to publish it down to my local copy of the web but I keep getting the
server timed out warning box. looks like a js alert box.

is there something I can do with my local server to make it behave better.
I hesitate to ftp this stuff down to my machine being that it's a subweb
within a pretty complex main FrontPage web and it's also a .net web


The email address on this posting is a "black hole". I got tired of all the
Please feel free to contact me here:

Kevin Spencer

Hi chris,

I'm not sure what you mean by "test server" - XP Professional comes with
IIS. The only difference is the number of webs you can create and the number
of concurrent users. It should work exactly the same as your live site web
server, unless you've done something to the configuration, or possibly a
firewall issue, most likely.

Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Big things are made up
of lots of little things.

chris leeds

number of webs you say? I've got quite a few so maybe it's time to "cull
the litter".

I don't think it's the firewall because I'm using zone alarm and it usually
throws a pop-up at you to boast about it's defenses. ;-)

I'm also wondering if this is because I'm trying to publish a .net app from
the server to my local server but I don't have the .net frame work
installed. you'd think it'd come up with a better warning than just the
"connection timed out" alert box. it's not all that big of a folder. I've
been getting the same alert when trying to file/ import stuff into an
existing FrontPage web also. it seems the only way I can get new folders
into the webs is to copy them through windows explorer or use the copy
folder function (left menu) in xp, and copy the stuff to c: inetpub/
wwwroot/ webname.
it's very frustrating.

Kevin Spencer

You might try posting this question to one of the IIS newsgroups. There
could be other factors that I'm not aware of.

Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Big things are made up
of lots of little things.


Is the folder size over 1Mbyte? If so, you could be suffering from the 1 MB
limit problem that affects some people.

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