IIS in "upgraded" Windows XP Pro:only Part of the Component instal

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Hi all,
My Dell 4100 PC was upgraded from Windows ME to Windows XP Pro 2 years ago.
Recently, I installed Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Developer Edition in my PC.
In the last few weeks, I tried to executed
http://localhost/NorthDB/ch13_ex01.asp and I got the following error message:
The page can not displayed. HTTP 500.100 -Internal Server Error - ASP error
Internet Information Services. Error type: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL
Server (0x80004005) Login failed for user 'sa'. Reason: Not associated with
trusted SQL Server connection. Some one suggested me to install IIS via "Add
or Remove Programs" in the Control Panel. I tried to do it and found a
shaded box that was checked on Internet Information Services (IIS) 13.9 MB.
There is a statement in Windows Components Wizard of the "Add or Remove
Programs": A shaded box means that only part of the component will be
installed. To see what's included in a component, click Details. I
highlighted and clicked the shaded IIS box and I found the following:
|v| Common Files
|v| Documentation
| | File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Service
|v| Front Page 2000 Server Extension
|v| Internet Information Services Snap-In
|v| SMTP Service
shaded|v| World Wide Web Service.
I think the "shaded|v| World Wide Web Service" tells me that I can not have
the full World Wide Web Service. So I have no way to get IIS and ASP working
in my "upgraded" Windows XP Pro PC. 2 years ago, I knew Windows ME and
Windows XP Home did not have IIS after I bought my Win ME-Dell 4100 PC. Now I
still can not get the full IIS installed in my "upgraded" Windows XP Pro. Is
any way to correct this problem and to get the full IIS in my "upgraded"
Wiondows XP Pro PC? Please help and advise.
Thanks in advance,
Click on the "shaded|v| World Wide Web Service" and then click the DETAILS
button. Then select the additional WWW services to be loaded.
Hi tfw48079, Thanks for your response.
I clicked on the "shaded|V| World Wide Service" and the DETAILS. The
following appeared: Subcomponents of World Wild Web Service
|v| Printers virtual directory
| | Remove Web Connection
| | Script virtual directory
unshaded |v| World Wide Web Service

If I double clicked on the unshaded |v| World Wide Web Service, I got the
following: Setup
The following components are dependent on the
installation of the
"World Wide Web Service"

Printers virtual directory
SMIT Service
FrontPage 2000 Server Extension

Is it OK to remove these components as well?
|Yes| |No|
I do not know |Yes| or |No| I should pick to do what you mean by "Then
select the addtional WWW Services to be loaded". I am lost now. Please
kindly give me more detailed instructions on how to remove the old WWW
services and select the new/additional WWW sewrvices that I can do the ASP.

Thanks in advance,