-----Original Message-----
File open web (your old disc based web in say the FrontPage Webs folder)
File Publish web to your FP SE extended web by entering
SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
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| Problem, I have 2 folders now. FrontPage Webs and
| Inetpub. How do I import the web to Inetpub? FrontPge
| is now attached to the new server and doesn't recognize
| the old folder and content.
| Thanks
| >-----Original Message-----
| >> I understand the hierarchy and here's the problem right
| >> now.
| >
| >Hierarchy???
| >
| >> What
| >> have I done wrong and how do I fix it?
| >
| >Hard to say for sure, but I noticed several things:
| Copying and pasting
| >folders and files into IIS web directories is not
| something you should do
| >unless you have a thorough understanding of how IIS
| works. You have to do
| >all of your web configuration by hand. It is much better
| to use FrontPage to
| >publish your web to the server. For example, in
| FrontPage, you could use
| >File|New Web... and then select the (http) destination
| for the web and use
| >the Import Web Wizard to import the folders and files to
| the server and set
| >up the server extensions and other web site
| configurations correctly.
| >
| >Secondly, it looks like you're using non-standard paths
| for your web
| >folders. My understanding is that using virtual
| directories (which if I'm
| >not mistaken, it sounds like you've set up) are
| problematic with FrontPage.
| >Is there some reason why you didn't use the
| inetpub/wwwroot directories?
| >
| >--
| >HTH,
| >
| >Kevin Spencer
| >Microsoft MVP
| >..Net Developer
| >
| >Complex things are made up of
| >lots of simple things.
| >
| >| >> I understand the hierarchy and here's the problem right
| >> now.
| >>
| >> I've uninstalled FP98, installed IIS, configured (I
| think
| >> I did it right) the extensions on the server and
| >> reinstalled FP98 w/estensions but without PWS. I've
| >> copied and pasted my web from my desktop to the server
| at
| >> IIs/local computer/web sites/default web site/my web
| and
| >> configured the extensions on the site. Now when I try
| to
| >> open the site with FP I'm told I have to install FP to
| >> edit a FP web. When I try to open my FPWeb in FP it
| only
| >> lists the <rootweb> and when I "list webs" on the
| server
| >> (local host) it times out and can't find the web. What
| >> have I done wrong and how do I fix it? My client is
| >> upset, to say the least, and I've been trying to get
| this
| >> web published sine 7/26.
| >>
| >> I don't want to sound ungrateful, but I'm frustrated as
| >> HECK. Nothing is working correctly.
| >> MJ
| >> >-----Original Message-----
| >> >FrontPage is just a client. IIS is the server.
| FrontPage
| >> can't install
| >> >FrontPage server extensions on any web site unless the
| >> server extensions
| >> >have been installed first on the web server. When you
| >> install FrontPage
| >> >server extensions on IIS from the Windows installation
| >> CD, it enables server
| >> >extensions support for your web sites. However, this
| >> doesn't mean that the
| >> >server extensions are CONFIGURED on any web sites. You
| >> see, IIS can support
| >> >both server extension sites AND non-server- extension
| >> sites. Each site has to
| >> >have the server extensions configured on it, via IIS
| >> administration. After
| >> >that, FrontPage can create CHILD webs with server
| >> extensions configured for
| >> >them under the root web (site) with server extenisions
| >> installed.
| >> >
| >> >--
| >> >HTH,
| >> >
| >> >Kevin Spencer
| >> >Microsoft MVP
| >> >..Net Developer
| >> >
| >> >Complex things are made up of
| >> >lots of simple things.
| >> >
| >> >| >> >> Me Again,
| >> >>
| >> >> I've totally failed at getting IIS to open in FP.
| Is
| >> >> there anywhere I can get step-by-step instructions
| for
| >> >> installing IIS/config FP2000Ext's/and getting my
| >> existing
| >> >> web to open. Using WinXPPro I find that the FP2000
| >> Ext's
| >> >> automatically install themselves in IIS-can I forget
| >> >> configuring the extensions? Is there anything else I
| >> need
| >> >> to install prior to starting the IIS install?
| >> >>
| >> >> I'm soooo frustrated that there is no definitive
| >> >> documentation for this process. My client is
| getting
| >> >> impatient with this. Would it be easier to upgrade
| to
| >> >> FP2002?
| >> >>
| >> >> Thanks again,
| >> >> mcgdogm
| >> >
| >> >
| >> >.
| >> >
| >
| >
| >.
| >