If done something like this before:
<asp:Button ID="Run" SkinID="Button" Text="Run" CommandArgument='<
%#Eval("Jobname") %>' CommandName="Run" Enabled='<%#
IIF(Container.DataItem("isrunning")= "TRUE", "FALSE" , "TRUE") %>'
runat="server" />
Can I do something like this? to test the value of another control?
It's not working. Also, any way to something like a case?
<asp:TextBox ID="DateOfBirthTextBox"
enabled='<%# IIF(RESPONSE.WRITE(CashButton.selectedvalue) = "Cash" ,
"FALSE") %>'
runat="server" SkinID="Retailer" Text='<%# Bind("DateOfBirth") %>' />
<asp:Button ID="Run" SkinID="Button" Text="Run" CommandArgument='<
%#Eval("Jobname") %>' CommandName="Run" Enabled='<%#
IIF(Container.DataItem("isrunning")= "TRUE", "FALSE" , "TRUE") %>'
runat="server" />
Can I do something like this? to test the value of another control?
It's not working. Also, any way to something like a case?
<asp:TextBox ID="DateOfBirthTextBox"
enabled='<%# IIF(RESPONSE.WRITE(CashButton.selectedvalue) = "Cash" ,
"FALSE") %>'
runat="server" SkinID="Retailer" Text='<%# Bind("DateOfBirth") %>' />