I have a text box in which I have entered the following expression:
=(IIf([Substandard Acts - 1]="1","Control review/Pre-Job planning
deficient",(IIf([Substandard Acts - 1]="2","Equipment not appropriate for the
job",(IIf([Substandard Acts - 1]="3","Procedures not followed by Other
Company",(IIf([Substandard Acts - 1]="4","Procedures Not Followed by F I
Canada",(IIf([Substandard Acts - 1]="5","Communication
Breakdown",(IIf([Substandard Acts - 1]="6","Operating equipment without
authority",(IIf([Substandard Acts - 1]="7","Failure to
Warn",(IIf([Substandard Acts - 1]="8","Failure to Secure",(IIf([Substandard
Acts - 1]="9","Operating at improper speed",""))))))))))))))))))
This expression works fine but the list in [Substandard Acts - 1] is a list
from 1 to 20. If I add additional IIf's to this expression I get the error
message "expression to complex". Is there a better way to do this or a way
around the error?
safety guy
=(IIf([Substandard Acts - 1]="1","Control review/Pre-Job planning
deficient",(IIf([Substandard Acts - 1]="2","Equipment not appropriate for the
job",(IIf([Substandard Acts - 1]="3","Procedures not followed by Other
Company",(IIf([Substandard Acts - 1]="4","Procedures Not Followed by F I
Canada",(IIf([Substandard Acts - 1]="5","Communication
Breakdown",(IIf([Substandard Acts - 1]="6","Operating equipment without
authority",(IIf([Substandard Acts - 1]="7","Failure to
Warn",(IIf([Substandard Acts - 1]="8","Failure to Secure",(IIf([Substandard
Acts - 1]="9","Operating at improper speed",""))))))))))))))))))
This expression works fine but the list in [Substandard Acts - 1] is a list
from 1 to 20. If I add additional IIf's to this expression I get the error
message "expression to complex". Is there a better way to do this or a way
around the error?
safety guy