Hi Dirk,
I used your 1st suggestion and it works but I discovered an issue with my
2nd query that's executed in both conditions.
Both the qryTrainingDatesMWF and qryTrainingDatesWF are append queries. The
results are appended to tblTrainingDates. If I run the query multiple times
for the same month I will get duplicate entries in the table. Here is the SQL
statement from 1 of these queries.
INSERT INTO tblTrainingDatesWF ( pkClassDayID, fkClassesID, ClassDay,
EventLabel, [Month], [Year] )
SELECT tblClassDays.pkClassDayID, tblClassDays.fkClassesID,
tblClassDays.ClassDay, GetLabel([fkClassesID],[ClassDay]) AS EventLabel,
Month([ClassDay]) AS [Month], Year([ClassDay]) AS [Year]
FROM tblClassDays
WHERE (((GetLabel([fkClassesID],[ClassDay]))<>"Wknd" And
(GetLabel([fkClassesID],[ClassDay]))<>"Holiday" And
(GetLabel([fkClassesID],[ClassDay]))<>"Summer") AND
((Month([ClassDay]))=Month([Forms]![Attendance Form]![txtStartDate])) AND
((Year([ClassDay]))=Year([Forms]![Attendance Form]![txtStartDate])))
ORDER BY tblClassDays.pkClassDayID, Month([ClassDay]), Year([ClassDay]);
What would I need to change so that no duplicate entries are appended to the
table? Thanks.
Dirk Goldgar said:
Why not use an If ... Then ... Else block? As in:
If ans = vbYes Then
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryGetMWF"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryTrainingDatesMWF"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryGetWF "
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryTrainingDatesWF"
End If
Given the query names you're using, in this case you can abstract it further
if you really want to, like this:
Dim strWhat As String
strWhat = IIf(ans = vbYes, "MWF", "WF")
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryGet" & strWhat
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryTrainingDates" & strWhat
But I'm not convince you gain all that much in doing so.
Dirk Goldgar, MS Access MVP
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