As a general rule I do not like to use more that 2 or 3 nested IIF's as they
are just too darn hard to debug. If I understand what you want to do here
is some pseudo code to get it done.
function X () as integer
if isnull(BeloppAttBetala ) then
X=whatever you want here when BeloppAttBetala is null
else if BeloppAttBetala = 0 then
X = 13
else if BeloppAttBetala > 0 then
if BeloppAttBetala < Total then
X =12
else if nz(StatusKöp2,0) =10 then
X = 10
else if nz(StatusKöp2,0) = 11 then
X = 11
X = something else when BeloppAttBetala is between 0 and less
than Total but StatusKöp2 dosent = 10 or 11
end if
X=yet another value when BeloppAttBetala < 0
end if
end function
Call the funcction from the afterupdate event of the BeloppAttBetala and
StatusKöp2 fields and the OnCurrent event of the form
fieldIamUpdating.value = X()
Ron W
Mattias said:
Thank you for your reply..I am not very good at these IIf:s
Can you please me to rewrite so it works with your suggestion as well
Ron Weiner said:
Looks like a logic error to me.
What happens when BeloppAttBetala is => Total?
When BeloppAttBetala > 0 and < Total, but StatusKöp2 <> 10 or 11?
when either BeloppAttBetala or StatusKöp2 are Null?
Ron W
I have a IIf in a calculated control in a form and it calculates a null
value in some records....I do not want that to happen. Can anyone see
anything wrong here....
=IIf([BeloppAttBetala]=0;13;IIf([BeloppAttBetala]>0 And