I have created a report grouped by company. It contains
names of trainees and 4 types of training results. I
want to count how many of each result each company has
achieved. I have used the iif function in the group
footer but it doesn't work e.g. iif([result]="pass",count
([result]),0). I've tried counting surname but that
doesn't work either. An ordinary count of all results
works fine.
If anyone can shed any light on this for me and point me
in the right direction they would be a great help.
names of trainees and 4 types of training results. I
want to count how many of each result each company has
achieved. I have used the iif function in the group
footer but it doesn't work e.g. iif([result]="pass",count
([result]),0). I've tried counting surname but that
doesn't work either. An ordinary count of all results
works fine.
If anyone can shed any light on this for me and point me
in the right direction they would be a great help.