Thanks, this is it;
SELECT [Slot Booking].Week, [Slot Booking].[Week Starting], IIf([yearly
grains booking.cbh booking number] Is Null,"overdue") AS Status, [Slot
Booking].[CBH Booking Number], [Slot Booking].[Company Name], [Slot
Booking].[Number of Slots], [slot booking.week starting]-46 AS [Next Stage
Date], [Slot Booking].[Cancelled Cont], [Slot Booking].Cancelled, [Slot
Booking].[Cancelled Other], [Yearly Grains Booking].[CBH Booking Number],
Sum([Yearly Grains Booking].[No of Containers]) AS [SumOfNo of Containers],
Sum([Yearly Grains Booking].[Completed Containers]) AS [SumOfCompleted
Containers], Last([Yearly Grains Booking].[Completed Stage]) AS
[LastOfCompleted Stage], Count([Yearly Grains Booking].[St 1 Cancelled]) AS
[CountOfSt 1 Cancelled], Sum([Yearly Grains Booking].Tonnes) AS SumOfTonnes,
[Slot Booking].[Slot Comments], Sum([Yearly Grains Booking].Invoiced) AS
SumOfInvoiced, IIf([yearly grains booking.completed stage] Is Null And [next
stage date]<Date(),"Overdue") AS Stat
FROM [Slot Booking] LEFT JOIN [Yearly Grains Booking] ON [Slot Booking].[CBH
Booking Number] = [Yearly Grains Booking].[CBH Booking Number]
GROUP BY [Slot Booking].Week, [Slot Booking].[Week Starting], [Slot
Booking].[CBH Booking Number], [Slot Booking].[Company Name], [Slot
Booking].[Number of Slots], [Slot Booking].[Cancelled Cont], [Slot
Booking].Cancelled, [Slot Booking].[Cancelled Other], [Yearly Grains
Booking].[CBH Booking Number], [Slot Booking].[Slot Comments]
HAVING ((([Slot Booking].Week) Between [Select Week] And [Second Week]) AND
(([Slot Booking].[Company Name]) Like [Select COMPANY Name or * for all]));
tina said:
suggest you paste the query's complete SQL statement into a post, so we can
see it.
Frustrated said:
I have query with a [completed stage] field and a [due date] field. I am
trying to work on a Status field which will return a result. The query is
that if the completed stage is null and the due date is after today's date,
then the status is overdue. I have the following
Status: IIf(IsNull([completed stage]) And [next stage
When I try to run the query, I get the "You tried to execute a uery that
does not include the specific " Status line" as part of an aggregate function.
What am I doing wrong.