I need to collect part status information from 2 sources. The problem i
that one of the sources is placing spaces before the part number. M
worksheet is using column "D" for my part numbers. Source 1(MES) i
entering a productsum in column "AB", Source 2(SCIM) is entering
productsum in column "AC".
This formula works great:
=SUMPRODUCT(--('S:\Shared Machining\625\[8358.xls]rptSingleSection.as
Machining\625\[8358.xls]rptSingleSection.asp ilc=No&sec'!$I$2:$I$5000)
This one will return 0 for the first array always unless I add th
spaces to my parts column "D"
=SUMPRODUCT(--('Daily Report.csv'!$B$2:$B$5000=D5),--('Dail
Report.csv'!$E$2:$E$5000="TRIGGER "),'Daily Report.csv'!$C$2:$C$5000)
I figure that the only way to "ignore" the spaces is going to be i
VBA, but I'd really appreaciate a "nudge" in the right direction.
Jeffery Sollma
that one of the sources is placing spaces before the part number. M
worksheet is using column "D" for my part numbers. Source 1(MES) i
entering a productsum in column "AB", Source 2(SCIM) is entering
productsum in column "AC".
This formula works great:
=SUMPRODUCT(--('S:\Shared Machining\625\[8358.xls]rptSingleSection.as
Machining\625\[8358.xls]rptSingleSection.asp ilc=No&sec'!$I$2:$I$5000)
This one will return 0 for the first array always unless I add th
spaces to my parts column "D"
=SUMPRODUCT(--('Daily Report.csv'!$B$2:$B$5000=D5),--('Dail
Report.csv'!$E$2:$E$5000="TRIGGER "),'Daily Report.csv'!$C$2:$C$5000)
I figure that the only way to "ignore" the spaces is going to be i
VBA, but I'd really appreaciate a "nudge" in the right direction.
Jeffery Sollma