I am trying to create an expression for a new field, that based upon what is
entered in a previous field, will automatically assign it a numeric value.
For example.
MSCO Field contains a drop down list with the following options:
1. 5 or More
2. 3 or 4
3. 1 or 2
I want to create a new field MSCO Score that will yield the following based
upon what is answered in MSCO:
If 5 or More, then 4
If 3 or 4, then 2
If 1 0r 2, then O
Does this make any sense? Can anyone please shed some light on how to
proceed. Figuring this out is the crux of my entire database.
Thank you,
I am trying to create an expression for a new field, that based upon what is
entered in a previous field, will automatically assign it a numeric value.
For example.
MSCO Field contains a drop down list with the following options:
1. 5 or More
2. 3 or 4
3. 1 or 2
I want to create a new field MSCO Score that will yield the following based
upon what is answered in MSCO:
If 5 or More, then 4
If 3 or 4, then 2
If 1 0r 2, then O
Does this make any sense? Can anyone please shed some light on how to
proceed. Figuring this out is the crux of my entire database.
Thank you,