IF THEN ELSE for MS Excel 2003, please help

Feb 13, 2012
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Below is the calculation we are trying to get to work in MS Excel 2003.
Any assistance would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you!

If D7=138 then G7 calculates =(F7*4)+6 else
If D7=276 then G7 calculates =(F7*4)+12 else
If D7=414 then G7 calculates =(F7*4)+18 else
If D7=552 then G7 calculates =(F7*4)+24
put this in G7.


the "" at the end leaves the cell blank if none of your conditions are met. If you leave the "" out it will say FALSE when conditions aren't met.

This should work!
Also... you can put whatever you want in the quotes - i.e. "Condition not met", or leave out the quotes and put a default value.

Note that the ELSE statement does not exit in Excel, but you don't need it as the IF statement includes it implicitly - i.e.

IF(A1=1,do this, ELSE do this)

In your case, we're just putting another IF statement in the "ELSE do this" spot.