Stop and consider - if A1 = X then I want to go to Sheet2!A1 but at the
same time in if cell B1 = Y then I wand to go to Sheet3!A2. Now what
when A1=X and B1=Y? Excel can't go to two places at the same time.
Second analysis - If A1 =X then go to Sheet2!A1. So if A1 = X Excel moves
to Sheet2. Now you click on Sheet3. But back on Sheet1 A1 is still = X
that means Excel should be in cell A1 of Sheet2, so Excel could not let
move anywhere as long as A1 = X. So you can't even move to sheet1 to
the X.
So forget formulas, they aren't designed to lead to this kind of problem.
You should consider VBA if what you want is to move to sheet2 WHEN the
types X into A1.
The code for that would be:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim isect As Range
Set isect = Application.Intersect(Target, Range("A1"))
If Not isect Is Nothing Then
End If
End Sub
This needs to be in the Sheet1 object in the VBE.