if statement



I would like to set up an if statement that does the following:

If in row $2, the maximum is within $B2:$G2, than if the sum of $B2:$G2 is
less than the sum of $H2:$M2, then print the sum of $B2:$G2 in the box,
colour red. If not, than print the sum of $H2:$M2 in the box, colour blue.

How do I do that? Can that be done in 1 statement?


Rowan Drummond

You can't change the format of a cell using a formula so one way is to
use a combination of formatting, a formula and conditional fomatting.
Select cell N2.
Change the format to blue.
Enter the formula: =MIN(SUM(B2:G2),SUM(H2:M2))
Click on Format>Conditional Formatting.
Then change the first drop down box to Formula Is.
In the second dropdown enter the formula: =N2=Sum(B2:G2)
Click on the format button and then select the required red format.
Ok out.

Hope this helps

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