If statement with dates

Oct 3, 2012
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I'm trying to write an IF statement where if the value is between two dates then the cell will show one month but if it is between another two it will show another, e.g.

If the cell (for example A2) is between 01/05/2012 (UK Date format) and 15/05/2012 then the cell (A3) will show "May" but if the value is greater than 15/05/2012 then it will show "June".

I want this to run so that the statement detects for all months so if it was 03/01/2012 then it would know to show "January" - I don't want it just for the months of May and June. Basically if the date is before the 15th of that month I want the cell to show that month but if it is after the 15th I want it to show the next.

I don't even know if this is posisble but I am clueless so any help would be greatly apreciated!
