Potsy said:
This is what I have at moment but not working:
First, does column J have numbers like 2007, 2008 etc (or dates formatted as
Custom yyyy), or does it have text like "2007", "2008" etc?
I will assume numbers in examples. Put quotes around any "number" that is
really text.
Second, it is not clear what you want to sum. I will presume the qualified
cells in column AC.
To count: =SUMPRODUCT((AC1:AC1000>=1)*(J1:J1000=2007))
To sum: =SUMPRODUCT((AC1:AC1000>=1)*(J1:J1000=2007),AC1:AC1000)
Alternatively, to sum (and similarly to count):
Many people do not understand the purpose of "--" (double-negation). There
is no magic. It simply converts the boolean results (TRUE, FALSE) into
numbers (1, 0), which SUMPRODUCT requires, as does any arithmetic operation
like multiplication in the first form above.
If you have Excel 2007, you can use SUMIFS and COUNTIFS (note the "S")
----- original message -----
All that is wrong is you are missing another reference to N1626. The
correct form is:
(Also note the change to "<=" 9999, which is consistent with your
You can also write that in the following equivalent form:
I prefer that form because it is close to the standard mathematical form,
One last comment: you might want to look at the VLOOKUP function and the
LOOKUP function. These are allow for comparing against many ranges without
having many nested IF() expressions.
----- original message -----
- Show quoted text -
one other questions which i am sure is easy....
Column <J> is Year, I want to be able to COUNTIF and SUMIF (2 seperate
fields) for years "2007", "2008", "2009" by looking at column <J> to
establish year and totalling column corresponding values in <AC> if
greater than 0.
This is what I have at moment but not working: