I created the formula below, but its incorrect. If G5=H4 and B5="Case
Study", then the amount should be $7000, however, if G5=H4 and B5 = "Video"
then the amount should be $24000, and if G5 doesn't = H4, then leave cell
Can't figure out what I did wrong, but the formula below is adding $7000 &
$24000 together.
=IF(OR($G5=H$4,$B5="Case Study"),7000,"")+IF(OR($G5=H$4,$B5="Video"),24000,"")
Study", then the amount should be $7000, however, if G5=H4 and B5 = "Video"
then the amount should be $24000, and if G5 doesn't = H4, then leave cell
Can't figure out what I did wrong, but the formula below is adding $7000 &
$24000 together.
=IF(OR($G5=H$4,$B5="Case Study"),7000,"")+IF(OR($G5=H$4,$B5="Video"),24000,"")