baker1 said:
Interesting. Is AVG a decent enough program? I see that this group is
full of's a guy to decide?
They all have their fans, depends on your needs. Do you engage in P2P,
on-line gaming, and/or other high risk behaviors? Some AV apps don't
get along with these activities very well. The only way to know is to
test it with your setup and your needs.
I have personally used McAfee, Norton, AVG and KAV. I currently use
KAV. Here is my 0.02 on the AV subject. AFAIAC, polls and the reviews
of sites that accept advertising from AV vendors is pretty much
worthless. Stick with tests and comparatives. Some AV info for your
AV-Test (Andreas Marx - Germany)
AV-Comparatives (Andreas Clementi - Austria)
Food for thought (Eugene Kaspersky)
Here are the preferences that I have gleaned from the various
security/paranoia NGs:
Free: AVG, Avast!, AntiVir
Paid: KAV, NOD32
Many people around here don't like Norton and McAfee, but that is
based on bias (they're the big guys) and issues other than detection
Kaspersky AV:
NOD32 (Eset):
AVG - Grisoft
Avast! - ALWIL Software
AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic
The free AV apps may be upgraded to a Professional/Full-Featured AV
app for a fee.
Some General Anti-Virus info:
A word to wise. Unlike Anti-Spyware applications, where the
multilayered approach is preferable, Anti-Virus (resident)
applications absolutely do NOT like each other, and one should be
uninstalled completely before installing another. In many cases, eg.,
with Symantec products, this is easier said than done. And so, before
you install ANY AV application, make sure that you acquire all
information/tools/utilities that are necessary for its COMPLETE
removal. You have been warned.
At any rate, those are my thoughts on the subject.