"David Biddulph" <groups [at] biddulph.org.uk> wrote:
=if(and(401<=round(HI2,0),round(HI2,0)<=402), "YES", "NO")
would presumably be equivalent to
=if(or(round(HI2,0)=401,round(HI2,0)=402), "YES", "NO")
Yes, I thought of that, too. I chose not to mention it because I did
want to confuse Gee anymore that he/she already seems to be. I chose
more-general numeric range test because I wondered if integer limits
really what Gee wants/needs.
or to
=if(and(HI2>=400.5,HI2<402.5), "YES", "NO")
I disagree, especially considering Gee's continued confusion between
displayed and actual values. Depending on formatting, a cell might
display as 400.5 (expect "YES"), but it is actually 400.49 (resulting
People should learn not to compare with numbers with decimal fractions,
since most decimal fractions are not exact internally. They will
inevitably get a surprising result.
----- original message -----
"David Biddulph" <groups [at] biddulph.org.uk> wrote in message
=if(and(401<=round(HI2,0),round(HI2,0)<=402), "YES", "NO") would
presumably be equivalent to
=if(or(round(HI2,0)=401,round(HI2,0)=402), "YES", "NO") or to
=if(and(HI2>=400.5,HI2<402.5), "YES", "NO")
if either of those helps the OP to see whether that's what he wants.
[I have changed your H12s to the OP's HI2 reference.]
David Biddulph
I thought it might be something like that. I changed the columns
to no decimal places, but since it was getting data from an external
database it might have caused the problem.
It's working right now...if it stops I'll be back!
I think you missed the point. Changing the format only changes the
appearance of the cell value; it does not change the actual value.
You wrote previously:
If you are happy with displaying H12 with zero decimal places, it is
longer clear what your intent is with the AND() expression above.
I suspect you want:
=if(and(401<=round(H12,0),round(H12,0)<=402), "YES", "NO")
----- original message -----
I thought it might be something like that. I changed the columns to
decimal places, but since it was getting data from an external
might have caused the problem.
It's working right now...if it stops I'll be back!
Thank you SO much for the help! I was really in a corner.
Why has this worked for about 3 hours and then suddenly stopped??
Define "working".
It probably has nothing to do with time of day, unless the value in
H12 is
derived from time of day (i.e. NOW()).
More likely, the value in H12 is not what it appears to be. For
example, if
the value is 401.00001, it might be displayed as 401, so you might
"NO". But AND(401<H12,H12<402) returns TRUE, so you actual get
If that is not enough to help you, post again with details, namely
formula and value in H12, formatted to 13 decimal places.
----- original message -----
Why has this worked for about 3 hours and then suddenly stopped??
Excel 2007 is what I'm using
Thank you in advance for any help you can give me.