PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME!!! Sorry, but this has been driving m
crazy all day and I'm about to kill someone or something.
I have a report in an Access Data Project that I want to group in tw
1. Previous Activity - Records with doc_date < @StartDate
2. Current Activity - Records with doc_date >= @StartDate
Since Access's grouping features are faily me, *I have decided t
simply add a column to to the query I am using as the recordsource fo
my report that simply evaluates to 0 if the record meets condition 1
and evaluates to 1 if it meets condition 2.* I will then group m
report on that column to get exactly the two groups I want.
I am looking for T-SQL syntax to get my column into my query. I alread
know how to group by the column.
*I essentially want the equivalent of IFF(doc_date < @StartDate,0,1
but T-SQL obviously doesn't handle JET/VB operators, so if someon
could PLEASE help me with this simple question by telling me what th
SELECT statement might look like to add this column to my query*, I'l
be your best friend
crazy all day and I'm about to kill someone or something.
I have a report in an Access Data Project that I want to group in tw
1. Previous Activity - Records with doc_date < @StartDate
2. Current Activity - Records with doc_date >= @StartDate
Since Access's grouping features are faily me, *I have decided t
simply add a column to to the query I am using as the recordsource fo
my report that simply evaluates to 0 if the record meets condition 1
and evaluates to 1 if it meets condition 2.* I will then group m
report on that column to get exactly the two groups I want.
I am looking for T-SQL syntax to get my column into my query. I alread
know how to group by the column.
*I essentially want the equivalent of IFF(doc_date < @StartDate,0,1
but T-SQL obviously doesn't handle JET/VB operators, so if someon
could PLEASE help me with this simple question by telling me what th
SELECT statement might look like to add this column to my query*, I'l
be your best friend