You're on a linux server...remove all spaces in file names (they will appear as %20) rename them all. You can use underscore _ or dashes - instead of spaces. While your at's best to stick with lowercase names as well.
BTW..your web doesn't have FP extensions so your hit counter's not gonna work.
You can optimize your images very quickly (batch process) with IrFanview (its free and works great)'ll have to google for the address I don't have it handy on this machine.
| I also have a problem with speed of downloading image files that I have
| loaded on my webpage I have set them up as
| thumbnails in PhotoGallery in the Pictures link (pictures.html), but when a
| thumbnail is clicked on, it can take a while to load.
| As I have a 256Kb Broadband connection, it isn't too bad for me, but it
| would be worse for dial-up connection.
| My images are all 600*400 but vary in size from 54Kb to 96Kb. I have edited
| them using Microsoft Picture It! Is there any way to further compress the
| images? I seem to recall somewhere a suggestion that the number of colours
| could be reduced. Can this be done in Picture It! or Adobe PhotoElements,
| which are the only photo editors I have currently installed (apart from
| Paint). I may have some others which came with my scanner (Canon
| PhotoRecord, I think) and my printer (an HP Photosmart 7150), but I did not
| install these at the time - I still have the disks.
| I choose Polesoft Lockspam to fight spam, and you?