if I know the password, how do I remove it from a large no of ppts?

  • Thread starter Thread starter misha.lepetic
  • Start date Start date



The idea is to be able to loop through a number of files in a source
folder and remove the password (open), then storing them in a target

I have had success in using this macro for both excel and word files
and am trying to adapt it for use in powerpoint, but when i try to
compile the code in the VBA editor it gets stuck on the Password
property ("Password:="), citing "named argument not found" in the
error message. What gives? And what else is wrong with this macro?

many thanks

Sub removePPTPwdNtwkDrv()
Dim oPres As Presentation
Dim fName As String
Const pwd = "PaSsWoRd" ' to be changed
Const pathToOpen = "C:\passwordFiles\" ' to be changed
Const pathToSave = "C:\noPassword\" ' to be changed

fName = Dir$(pathToOpen & "*.ppt")
If fName = "" Then
MsgBox "No *.ppt files in " & pathToOpen
End If

On Error GoTo FinalExit

While fName <> ""
Set oPres = Presentations.Open(FileName:=pathToOpen & fName,
Password:=pwd, AddToMRU:=False)
oPres.SaveAs FileName:=pathToSave & fName, Password:=""
oPres.Close SaveChanges:=0
fName = Dir$()

Exit Sub


If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Select Case Err.Number
Case 1004:
MsgBox "Could not save " & pathToSave & fName
Case Else
MsgBox Err.Number & vbCr & Err.Description
End Select
End If
End Sub
Sorry Misha,

The password hook is not reveled in the PowerPoint object model.

Bill Dilworth
A proud member of the Microsoft PPT MVP Team
Users helping fellow users.
vestprog2@ Please read the PowerPoint FAQ pages.
yahoo. They answer most of our questions.
com www.pptfaq.com
Hi Bill

Well, bugger that then. Definitely one for the wishlist for the MS

Nevertheless, thanks for your quick response.
