If I format a currency formula in excel ...

  • Thread starter Thread starter DAZEJO
  • Start date Start date


I have been attemtping to mailmerge in word, bringing through information
from an Excel Spreadsheet.

All the information is correct in the mailmerge - however a cell that
appears correctly as currency (calculated by way of formula) in Excel does
not come through into Word with currency/ decimal points... anything. I have
formatted, reformatted and banged my head against a brick wall to try and
work this out!

I was wondering whether it may be something I have completely missed or a
bug in the system?

Any suggestions are greatly received!

(ps - I am not using XP yet!)
To the best of my knowledge you can format the target field in WORD(!)
For example:
In the target document, if you'll Press ALT+[F9], you'll see the field-code.
It will, probably, look like:
{ MERGEFIELD "Field_Name" }.
You may format that field, by adding some characters, within the braces in
order to present the $ Sign.
It should look like:
{ MERGEFIELD "Field_Name" \# $#,###.00 }
Now, all you have to do is to press, again, ALT+[F9] in order to reverse
back to normal field vies.