Thanks for calling it excellent.
seems to omit
1. Planned duplication in RAID drives. (I do not use these,
but I thought this was what they were for. . . )
No, it's *not* for backup.
Most people completely misunderstand what RAID 1 is all about.
RAID 1 (mirroring) is *not* a backup solution. RAID 1 uses two or more
drives, each a duplicate of the others, to provide redundancy, not
backup. It's used in situations (almost always within corporations,
not in homes) where any downtime can't be tolerated, because the way
it works is that if one drive fails the other takes over seamlessly
and almost instantly.
Although some people thing of RAID 1 as a backup technique, that is
*not* what it is, since it's subject to simultaneous loss of the
original and the mirror to many of the most common dangers threatening
your data--severe power glitches, nearby lightning strikes, user
errors, virus attacks, theft of the computer, etc. Most companies that
use RAID 1 also have a strong external backup plan in place.
2. The difference between complete and supplemental
backup. Complete backup takes a lot of time: but once
that has been done most tools allow you to add later
supplementary backups of only those files that have
been changed or added since last time. This is usually
fast, thus encourages you to back up on a weekly or
daily basis, depending on need.
I am not a fan of supplemental backup. It's problem is that it
recognizes new files and changed files, but ignores deleted files.
That's not usually an important factor, but it can be.
My view of backup is also that it, almost any kind, can be done at
night while you are asleep. F that's the way you do it, how long it
takes isn't important for the vast majority of us.
(MVP Blake recommends Acronis for disk imaging. On
my workaday Win98 PC (i.e. much smaller Registry, saved
every day in a CAB file less than 2 Mb) I use the free utility
from, which has dozens of parameters
There are lots of ways to accomplish disk imaging. I recommend the one
I like, but you should certainly feel free to use others.