I would like to ask for help on logical formula.
I have 2 sheets on exel document. In first sheet I have basic information on
two colomns -number- first colon ,text other colomn . In other sheet I have
infomation I have to work on.
In the second sheet I would like to make such a formula like entering number
1 from the other sheet it will give me all informations and enter this
information in cell. Problem is that I have numbers 1-30 for my given
information but "if" logical function doesn't support so many arguments...
I mean like this:
=IF(G3="1-1";'sheet 1'!$B$4;IF(G3="1-2";'sheet 1'!$B$5;IF(G3="1-3";'sheet
1'!$B$6;IF(G3="1-4";'sheet 1'!$B$7;IF(G3="1-5";'sheet
1'!$B$8;IF(G3="1-6";'sheet 1'!$B$9;IF(G3="1-7";'sheet
1'!$B$10;IF(G3="1-8";'sheet 1'!$B$11
in formula I wrote I could just enter 8 numbers.
Can you help me????
I would like to ask for help on logical formula.
I have 2 sheets on exel document. In first sheet I have basic information on
two colomns -number- first colon ,text other colomn . In other sheet I have
infomation I have to work on.
In the second sheet I would like to make such a formula like entering number
1 from the other sheet it will give me all informations and enter this
information in cell. Problem is that I have numbers 1-30 for my given
information but "if" logical function doesn't support so many arguments...
I mean like this:
=IF(G3="1-1";'sheet 1'!$B$4;IF(G3="1-2";'sheet 1'!$B$5;IF(G3="1-3";'sheet
1'!$B$6;IF(G3="1-4";'sheet 1'!$B$7;IF(G3="1-5";'sheet
1'!$B$8;IF(G3="1-6";'sheet 1'!$B$9;IF(G3="1-7";'sheet
1'!$B$10;IF(G3="1-8";'sheet 1'!$B$11

in formula I wrote I could just enter 8 numbers.
Can you help me????