Can someone shed some light on this:
A B c
1 5 5 10
2 0 4 4
3 1 1 2
4 3 4 7
Column C is the sum of A and B here. I also want to sum
the total for column C. However, if Column A is zero, I
don't want a value to end up in the C column. I would
like to use an "if" function. What I've tried is "=IF
(A2=0,"0","A2+B2"). This works, but if A2 is not 0, I"m
getting "A2+B2" - literally - written in the cell instead
of the result of the formula. How do I get the formula
calculated if A2 doesn't = 0?
A B c
1 5 5 10
2 0 4 4
3 1 1 2
4 3 4 7
Column C is the sum of A and B here. I also want to sum
the total for column C. However, if Column A is zero, I
don't want a value to end up in the C column. I would
like to use an "if" function. What I've tried is "=IF
(A2=0,"0","A2+B2"). This works, but if A2 is not 0, I"m
getting "A2+B2" - literally - written in the cell instead
of the result of the formula. How do I get the formula
calculated if A2 doesn't = 0?