IF function not working



I may be writing this incorrectly but please help -

=IF(c3<=1000,*.05)OR(c3>=1001 BUT <=3999, *.10)OR(c3>=4000, *.125)

Basically, if cell C3 is equal to or less than 1000, multiply the amount in
C3 by .05 OR if C3 is greater than or equal to 1001 BUT less than or equal to
3999, multiply by .10 OR if C3 is greater than or equal to 4000 then multiply
C3 by .125

What am I doing wrong?



Soni said:
I may be writing this incorrectly but please help -

=IF(c3<=1000,*.05)OR(c3>=1001 BUT <=3999, *.10)OR(c3>=4000, *.125)

Basically, if cell C3 is equal to or less than 1000, multiply the amount in
C3 by .05 OR if C3 is greater than or equal to 1001 BUT less than or equal to
3999, multiply by .10 OR if C3 is greater than or equal to 4000 then multiply
C3 by .125

What am I doing wrong?



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