IF Function Multiple logical tests - Syntax

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I want to impose two conditions. Specifically, If G8>=100 and H8>=, value if true,value if false.
I am failing to find the proper syntax.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you. Good day.
You didn't specify what you want H8 to be. let's assume H8 has to be >=200;

=IF(AND(G8>=100,H8>=200),"YES!!","alas, no")


Kind Regards,

Niek Otten

Microsoft MVP - Excel
HI everybody,

I have a quesiton that puzzled me so much

I tried to use IF function with more than eight conditions, but tha
formula did not work,

Is there any other function in excel can do me that job.

I attached a work book in order to explain my question better

Thank you

Attachment filename: if multiple conditions.xls
Download attachment: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=43713

There are up to 7 nested IF's allowed.

When you want our advice, explain here in message body (no attachments!),
what you have and what you want to do - so you get some answer more likely.
At least I myself have a couple of times tried to get some links to this
excelforum to work, and it's enough for me.
You're restricted by a maximum of 7 nested staements. I would use
VLOOKUP in your case (though I haven't opened your worksheet). Try the
1. Create a list with your conditions and the results per
condition(lets say on a separate sheet named 'conditions'):
cond_1 1
cond_2 2
cond_20 20

If your value to test against the conditions is stored in A1 try the
will return the value from column B, where A1 equals the value in
column A of your condition sheet

Thank you so much Frank,,

First of all, I really appreciate your fast and valuable help to al
member in this group

I applied the formula you provided and found it excellent and workin
very well. On another hand, after posting my question I tried to find
formula that can do me what I want and after many tries I did find
good formula by using both VLOOKUP & HLOOKUP.

I attached the book and you can see what I did.

Thank you again fran

Attachment filename: if multiple conditions.xls
Download attachment: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=43849
I have this formula =IF(COUNTIF(H13:NN13,1)>60,"OVER 60 DAYS",COUNTIF(H13:NN13,1))

i want to add one more logical test that is =IF(COUNTIF(H13:NN13,1)=0,"",COUNTIF(H13:NN13,1))

how can i make it in only one and the same cell

please help me..thank you