If formula with text string help please

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In column C ..... I would like to ask the question....if A2=1 and B2 which
is formatted as "general" has a year date in its string which is >2003 the
answer = "vaccine given" but if the year date is <2003 then the answer
="vaccine due". Also I should add if A2 is 0 then the answer =na.

I'm not sure how to proceed and any help would be appreciated.

1 HIST-Pnuemo-10/01/2007 vaccine given
0 HIST-Pnuemo-07/24/2009 na
1 HIST-Pnuemo-01/01/2003 vaccine due
Thank you works like a charm

smartin said:
If you can assume B /always/ has a 4-digit year on the right this should
work in C1. Fill down as needed:

=IF(A1=1,IF(VALUE(RIGHT(TRIM(B1),4))>2003,"vaccine given","vaccine

Allowance has been made for trailing spaces in B.
The formula you gave me works great but I forgot to consider that B2 may
be empty and so now I get a value error using the formula you suggested
because there is no date to calculate...is there an easy fix for this ?

So if A2 =1 and B2 is empty ...then C 2 = Vaccine due

Thank you again for your help
Smartin... I plugged in the new formula into C2 but it gives me "na" as a
result but it should read "vaccine due" because the value in A2=1

am I doing something wrong?
=IF(A2<>1,"","Vacine " &
Thank you Don.... very much appreciated

Don Guillett said:
=IF(A2<>1,"","Vacine " &

Don Guillett
Microsoft MVP Excel
SalesAid Software
(e-mail address removed)