Newbie and Lost
I am trying to write a formula so the if the current date NOW() is between
08/01/09 to 09/13/09 then put 200 otherwise put 0. See formula below. It
works when I am referencing a cell with those dates but it won't work if I
type the dates into the formula. Am I writing the dates incorrectly? In
Access I usually put #01/08/09# but I tried that format and it didn't work
My formula:
08/01/09 to 09/13/09 then put 200 otherwise put 0. See formula below. It
works when I am referencing a cell with those dates but it won't work if I
type the dates into the formula. Am I writing the dates incorrectly? In
Access I usually put #01/08/09# but I tried that format and it didn't work
My formula: