Windows XP "IEXPLORE.EXE" Error

Feb 1, 2008
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Hi Guys, Another newbi here requesting some help. I am get'n these error msg's. (When installing ie7) "iesetup.exe-Ordinal Not Found,Ordinal 39 could'nt be located in the dynamic link library iertutil.dll" and (Open'n ie7 browser) "iexplore.exe-Entry Point Not Found,The procedure entry point Internet get Security Info By URLW could'nt be located in the dynamic link library WININET.dll". Could these Registry Keys accidently been deleted n if so is it possible to repair/reinsall them without hav'n to reinstall Windows XP/SP2??? I've also been unable to search these keys in the Registry-"IECUSTOM:Key is still unwritable" and "Archive File For Uninstall:Archive Single File Cancelled" Wil runn'n the "EIFIX Utility" repair/reinstall these keys or am I Pooched? I would "Greatly" appreciate any suggestions regarding this internal error! Sincerely, Wrangler...
Not an expert in anything mate but you can try this and see if it solves the problem


chkdsk /f

it will ask to run during a restart, let it

if it finds errors it should correct them (maybe)

if not give us a shout again ;)

I take for granted your using XP? Any other information mite help us aswell
Hmmm, iesetup.exe could be a nastie added by an unidentified TROJAN! of the Sdbot family. Check if you have \System32\iis\ folder, if you have, you have a nastie.

The "real" IE7 can be found at ...

This download is for Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 only. To download Internet Explorer 7 for other supported versions of Microsoft Windows, see ... the link above.
