ie7 refuses to open website - blank page

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Trying to open - a known and trusted site. My wife
(still on IE6) can open it, but I cannot - even with Phishing filters
disabled - ie restart and even system re-boot.

Suggestions appreciated.

Thanks Hans

It's good to know I'm not the only one having the problem. I downloaded and
installed the user agent string program from the IE7 support site, but it
still won't open the site. Of course, the uas program doesn't come with any
instructions so maybe I'm supposed to be doing something I am not doing.

The IE7 site says "upgrade with confidence", but I presume this software is
still in development. I have already suggested to the webmaster that he
needs to look at the issue - but perhaps microsoft should also examine
backwards incompatibility issues.

By the way, I love IE7. This is feedback - not complaint. Any further
suggestions are most welcome.

:-( Rejection......

It took me a while to find the forums. The IE7 forum sent me here. Now you
are sending me elsewhere. I'm getting bounced around so much I feel like I
might have accidentally called the phone comany for service. :-)

Hi Rob
Then the 'forum' is sending you in the wrong direction - not this group,
which is for IE6 not IE7 - and the forums you are looking for have still
evaded you - you have arrived in newsgroups that deal with all MS 'stuff'.
So you are in luck - you now know where to get the expert advice you need.
I wish you the best in your quest - and admire your courage by installing a
prog. barely out of its nappies.
It is said that if you decide that IE7 is not for you, then you can
uninstall and your computer will revert back to IE6.
This does not always work.
If that is the case, make sure you still have the two links you were given
by PA Bear.
If you are running IE7, IE General is where you should post. Good ol' Uncle
Gus was the only one who replied to your one and only post in IE General,
and he certainly didn't send you (back) to IE6 Browser:

I can tell you for sure that the website opens here in IE7, but no content
whatsoever is displayed.

Here is Google's cache of the page, taken Fri., 20 Oct-06. What do you see?
I don't see nothin' but gray page...

If your wife can still see page content using IE6, let me know. Also let me
know if any "web accelerator" is installed on her machine and what her
settings are in IE Tools > Internet Options > Temporary Internet Files >
Settings > Check for newer versions of stored pages.
Sorry - maybe I wasn't clear. The IE7 support options send you to an IE7
support forum. On that forum, I was directed to this IE6 forum where
knowlegable users hang out. Here, you directed me to IE general - and I went
there where Gus was kind enough to respond. Its a bit of a runaround but I'm
more than happy with any help I can get. Does anyone at MS actually read
these forums?

Yes Marilyn can still get the site and her settings are - - no web
accelerator (to our knowledge) and check for newer versions automatically.
If you were thinking she was looking at cached pages, we trust the company
but have not ordered or been to their site since February. That would have
to be a BIG cache! I also tried from work today - different ISP and IE6 -
and it came up OK there as well. Also, <ctl>F5 gives me a good refresh. I
also just get the grey page on IE7. If it helps, I can copy the source code
from Marilyns machine and send or post it.

I'm still posting to the wrong forum here. Should I switch to IE general?

Rob! said:
Trying to open - a known and trusted site. My wife
(still on IE6) can open it, but I cannot - even with Phishing filters
disabled - ie restart and even system re-boot.

I can display the page's title bar but the contents are a blank, gray
screen. Clicking View + Source shows the full HTML code, so it's been
downloaded but something's confusing the browser engine. I expect this
will be fixed in updates sooner or later.

It does load in Firefox 2.0 but I prefer IE's tab implementation. The
IE7 tab bar takes up one row less space and the home page opens in new
tabs if you want it to.

Good point bac6567. The source does show. I guess its the webmasters
problem to decide why it doesn't actually display on IE7 - but I sure am
curious. We'll keep IE6 on Marilyns computer for now - and this is the only
site I've found it on, so the problem isn't impacting us too much. I'm still
curious if anyone figures it out. Thanks to all.

Sorry - maybe I wasn't clear. The IE7 support options send you to an IE7
support forum.

There are no IE7- or IE-specific forums, just newsgroups...which are
available using the web-interface (this is how you're posting to the
newsgroup) and in a newsreader (which is what I'm using). See

IE7 Help > Online Support takes you to > "Get support for IE7" takes you
to > There's a link to "IE Community"
in the right-hand menu on that page which takes you to

All IE7-specific questions should be posted to the IE General newsgroup, not
IE6 Browser, to get the best help. web accelerator (to our knowledge)

Is /your/ machine connected to the same ISP as your wife's? Is it a dial-up
connection? If so, who is the ISP?

Using IE7, continues to open an essentially empty
page. If your wife still gets content on it using IE6, the site owner needs
to extensively update the page to conform to IE7's coding standards.
PA Bear said:
There are no IE7- or IE-specific forums, just newsgroups...which are
available using the web-interface (this is how you're posting to the
newsgroup) and in a newsreader (which is what I'm using). See

IE7 Help > Online Support takes you to > "Get support for IE7" takes you
to > There's a link to "IE Community"
in the right-hand menu on that page which takes you to

All IE7-specific questions should be posted to the IE General newsgroup, not
IE6 Browser, to get the best help.

ok - but since you asked more questions I'll answer them.
Is /your/ machine connected to the same ISP as your wife's? Is it a dial-up
connection? If so, who is the ISP?

Yes, we are on the same ISP Wildrose Internet Services - we both operate
through our wireless router - which is connected to a "high speed" connection
(better than dial up but...) via antenna on the roof to a nearby tower in
line of sight. My machine at work is connected via high speed to
and is on IE6 and works fine on the site.
Using IE7, continues to open an essentially empty
page. If your wife still gets content on it using IE6, the site owner needs
to extensively update the page to conform to IE7's coding standards.

Now THAT sounds like Microsoft. Assimilate - Resistance is futile. :-)

Anyhow, thanks to all for the time you took and your kind responses. I have
passed the concern on to the webmaster for the site.

Best regards

Now that is the funniest thing I have seen in awhile. LOL. I don't
want to start ranting about how wrong that statement is I am only
concerned about if the developer of the site found a way to get IE7 to
correctly display. I have fully validated xhtml strict and css site
that does not display in IE7 on certain pages. Apparently IE7 is not
adhering to those standards(wouldn't be the first time)... the xhtml
source is there but the site only shows a part of the page. Works in
every other modern browser. Any help you can give me on if the dev of figured out what IE7 was doing wrong would be
greatly appreciated.

Ok, tracked this down to this. I have a specific size window, it is
limited to 800 by 600. I have a div with CSS property definition
overflow:auto. If the content of the page requires a scrollbar instead
of displaying the scrollbar IE7 hides all the content. So mark that
one up to incorrect implementation of overflow:auto on IE7's part. No
need to start adhering to their supposed coding standards. Here is the
official CSS2 definition just in case there is any question that IE7 is
not adhering to the *real* standard.
From W3's CSS Level 2 standards

The behavior of the 'auto' value is user agent-dependent, but
should cause a scrolling mechanism to be provided for overflowing

Just a heads up to others running into this problem, it appears IE7
overflow:auto is inconsistent and not standard.