Windows XP IE7 & Firefox problem

Jan 14, 2006
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Seems when i try to get on the internet using IE7 or Firefox nothing happens.
IE7 says i'm not connected, when i am and displays "done" in botton left hand corner.
Firefox does basically the same & will not show any pages?

Connection problem, IE7 & Firefox error or something else?

I'm having to use a laptop to access the net
I'd start with resseting your router. Normally a good place to start....Have you tried opening FF in "SAfe Mode" ?And by that I don't mean restart F8 etc, Firefox gives an option to start up in safe mode. And the same with IE 7 try starting witout add ons...
Turned the router on & off and all now works OK.
Did wonder if it was anything to do with the weather?
But all worked well on my laptop.
Put itdown to one of those unexplained pc problems we all love to have now & then!
Number one computer rule ...


... and that applies to anything attached to the PC.


reboot = turn off, wait, turn on