Mark said:
these validators for the HTML bring back lots of errors, i have ran the
source aspx page through the validator, and the source of the page that will
not diaplay in IE7 through the validator, both return lots of errors but the
only errors i can find regarding the div tags is that they need to be in
lower case to pass validation. there are too many errors to try and fix
indervidually (nearly 3000)
When you have errors in the code, you put yourself at the mercy of how
the browser responds to the errors. Different browsers -- and different
versions of the same browser -- may respond to errors differently. By
accepting 3000 errors, you accept the consequences of the errors.
Your comment that an error message appears saying that the 'div tags ...
need to be in lower case' indicates that the page has an XML or XHTML
DOCTYPE, but the code does not match the DOCTYPE.
Something else you might try is seeing what FireFox and Opera do with
the page. If they and IE7 behave in a similar fashion, this would
suggest that the problem is related to a violation of standards:
FireFox, Opera, and IE7 conform to the standards better than IE6, so bad
code -- or code that assumes IE6's defects -- will have fewer
consequences with IE6. If Firefox and Opera render the page in a
reasonable manner, and IE7 does not, it is likely -- though not certain
-- that the IE7 problem is instead due to an IE7 bug.