
I am using IE5.5 with no problems except that certain sites insist that I
use IE6. I have downloaded ie6setup but when I try to install it it gets to
about 98% complete then says that not all components have been installed and
asks me to quit the installation or press help. Pressing help states I have
all the req'd downloads but it will still not install. Please help


The full message on the help screen states as follows:-
It appears you have the correct setup files, but the installation failed.
Try closing down all other programs and try running Setup again. If that
still does not work, contact Microsoft Product Support Services for
additional help.

I have closed all programs and still the problem occurs and the Microsoft
Product Support Services does not describe my problem but refers me to this

Robert Aldwinckle

clive said:
The full message on the help screen states as follows:-
It appears you have the correct setup files, but the installation failed.
Try closing down all other programs and try running Setup again. If that
still does not work, contact Microsoft Product Support Services for
additional help.

I have closed all programs and still the problem occurs and the Microsoft
Product Support Services does not describe my problem but refers me to this

ie6setup creates *log.txt files which will give you additional clues.

Also please, always disclose your OS and maintenance level
when you are reporting problems with IE. All we can guess
is that you may be Win9x or WinNTx but not XP.

BTW try doing a minimal install first.
Some OS have known problems with some components.


Robert Aldwinckle


The OS is ME and I have tried to do a minimum install with no success. I
later realised that I should state the OS and have done a later posting with
extra info as on "Unable to install IE6 on Windows ME help please" on the
later posting. I have looked for the *log.txt file but seem unable to find


oops came up with the following solution that worked :-
Go to My Computer - Tools - Folder Options - View:
- Select "Show hidden files and folders", click Apply - OK

Create a folder named "Old uninstall".

Go to folder C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\Uninstall Information.

Now Edit - Select All - Cut all files.

Open "Old uninstall" folder and paste the files.

Reinstall IE6SP1.

You will now be able to install all the troublesome components.

If everything works as expected, you can delete the "Old Uninstall" folder
and the files you moved.

Thanks very much for your help

Robert Aldwinckle

oops came up with the following solution that worked :-

That's what I meant. If I had known you were using WinME
I could have suggested that you search for posts by oops!!



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