IE6 won't open some sites



Our secretary's IE6 won't open some sites. I don't know if there's anything
in common with them. For example, it won't open,,, but it will open, and
I've run AVG, SpyBot S&D, Adaware, CWshredder, and AboutBuster (all updated)
and installed and ran MS AntiSpyware (not updated because I can't access any
MS sites). I've also run HijackThis and the short log doesn't show any
On a suggestion, I reinstalled several .dll files (softpub, wintrust,
initpki, dssenh, rsaenh, gpkcsp, sccbase, sibcsp and cryptdlg). Finally, as
a last resort, I installed Firefox and tried accessing the site from that.
So far, nothing has worked. I'd appreciate any new ideas.


Frank Saunders, MS-MVP IE/OE

GTX_SlotCar said:
Our secretary's IE6 won't open some sites. I don't know if there's
in common with them. For example, it won't open,,, but it will open, and
I've run AVG, SpyBot S&D, Adaware, CWshredder, and AboutBuster (all
and installed and ran MS AntiSpyware (not updated because I can't access
MS sites). I've also run HijackThis and the short log doesn't show any
On a suggestion, I reinstalled several .dll files (softpub, wintrust,
initpki, dssenh, rsaenh, gpkcsp, sccbase, sibcsp and cryptdlg). Finally,
a last resort, I installed Firefox and tried accessing the site from that.
So far, nothing has worked. I'd appreciate any new ideas.


First eliminate any spyware.
What You Should Know About Spyware

CAUTION!!!!! Removing some spyware can damage the Winsock stact. Before
you try to remove spyware using any of these programs , download a copy of
LSP-Fix - a free program to repair damaged Winsock 2 stacks (all Windows
Winsockfix for W95, W98, ME, NT, 2000, XP
Directions here:
Get WinSockxpFix
How to Reset Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) in Windows XP
In WinXP SP2: You can fix Winsock by going to Start | Run and typing
In the command window type
netsh winsock reset

Dealing with Unwanted Malware, Parasites, Toolbars and Search Engines

Note that AdAware and SpyBot S & D will each catch some things the other
won't. Also, each needs to be updated with the program's update function
before every use, even when just downloaded. There's also a lot more to do
than just those two programs. CWShredder is also available here:
**Post your HijackThis log to or the Spyware forum at for expert analysis, not here.**
Alternative download pages for Ad-Aware, Spybot, HijackThis and CWShredder
may be found on this page:

See this link for information about malware:

If nothing there helps, please post back to this thread.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
Please respond in Newsgroup only. Do not send email
Protect your PC


Thanks, Frank. I've already run all the antispyware programs and I'm pretty
good at reading HijackThis logs. Some sites can be accessed, others can't. I
don't think it's a winsock problem.

What I forgot to mention is that the computer is on cable modem. I also
tried accessing the sites in "Safe Mode with Network support", and even
temporarily turned off the MS firewall. I also tried turning IE security to
it's lowest settings. All with no luck. I checked the Hosts file, but
there's nothing added to it.

If I set IE to search from the address bar, it always uses Yahoo Search even
when AltaVista or something else is chosen. If I click the Search button,
the correct search engine opens in the left pane.
I'll admit it, I'm stumped. Why will IE open some sites and not others? Do, and have something in common? Some kind
of flag or security that's stopping her from accessing them?

Jon Kennedy

In addition to Frank's post, here's a couple more things to try:

1. Clear your TIF and History completely per the instructions here:

2. Check the <username>\Cookies folder and delete any cookies that relate
to the sites in question. Or totally nuke the Cookies folder per the
instructions at the site above - backing up any cookies at sites that may
store log-in info or customizations via a cookie that you want to save.

3. Check your C:\Windows\Hosts file as per this article:
Problems Using Internet Explorer with Incorrect Hosts File;EN-US;q219843
(I've seen you've already done this)

4. Post your HJT log to a forum mentioned in Frank's post for a second set
of eyes to have a look-see

5. Go to Start...Run, type in "ipconfig /flushdns" (no quotes), click Okay

6. Do the winsock reset as Frank mentioned using the tools linked to, or if
XP SP-2, then Start...Run,
"netsh winsock reset" (no quotes), click Okay.

Michael T

In addition to what Frank and Jon have posted I'm curious about the

Any popup blockers, firewalls, proxy servers, or routers involved?

Also make sure they have Java installed and IE security is set to default


Tomorrow morning I'll try the things Jon mentioned in his reply.
To answer your questions:
No popup blockers. MS XP Pro firewall, but I tried with it disabled and it
didn't help. No routers. It's on Roadrunner but we haven't installed a proxy
server. Her computer was working fine, but she's always getting malware or
viruses and I have to get rid of them for her. She never runs the Adaware
or Spybot that I installed - does run AVG but never updates it. Her computer
and mine are connected to the Roadrunner cable modem with a hub. I have no
problems getting on the sites. Our computers are not set to see each other
on a LAN. She runs XP Pro (no SPs) and I run 2000 Pro. IE security is set to
default, but I tried it at the lowest setting and it didn't help. I'll check
Java, but I assume it's still installed and turned on. Like I said, it was
working fine.

Actually, I'm not a novice; just stumped :)



I guess I've just covered everything, plus I created a new user profile on
her computer and it still won't access some sites from the new profile.
I shredded the TIF, ran LSP-Fix and both Winsockfix programs and did the

What has me stumped is that:
1. it doesn't appear to be a winsock problem because I ran those fixes and
she can connect to some sites.
2. it doesn't appear to be an IE browser problem because I installed FireFox
and the problem persisted.
3. it doesn't appear to be a user profile problem because I created a new
user profile and the problem persisted.
4. it doesn't appear to be a firewall problem because I tried disabling MS
xp Pro firewall and the problem persisted.
5. it doesn't appear to be a security settings problem because I set them as
low as possible and the problem persisted.
6. why do searches from the address bar always use Yahoo Search even when a
different search engine is selected?

The next thing I'll try is uninstalling AVG, Adaware and Spybot. (quitting
AVG didn't help). If that doesn't help, maybe I'll pop in the XP install
disc and see if it can repair it.
I've had some tough problems on her computer in the past - real tough- but
always found a way to fix it. This one may have me beat.


Michael T

GTX_SlotCar said:
If that doesn't help, maybe I'll pop in the XP install
disc and see if it can repair it.

I was just going to suggest using Recovery Console to repair XP.

Also have you tried System File Checker?

Click Start, and then click Run.
In the Open box, type sfc /scannow, and then click OK.

Finally, I believe you mentioned that no service packs are installed. I would at least consider running Windows Update and/or installing SP2. If nothing else you will then have the latest MSJVM (Microsoft Java Virtual Machine).

I am still wondering about a corrupted Java install since at least some of the sites you are having trouble with use a lot of Java applets.

There is the "Diagnostic Tool for the Microsoft VM 1.0a" at

Perhaps you'll get lucky (you deserve it) and it will uncover some problem.

Please keep us posted.



I ran sfc and it found nothing, I assume - it just ended when it was done.
I also ran the VM diagnostic tool. As far as I can tell there was nothing
wrong, but I'm not sure how to read it. It gave a couple possible errors in
Adaware, so I uninstalled that, too.
Still no luck.

Tweaks & Reviews

GTX_SlotCar said:
If that doesn't help, maybe I'll pop in the XP install
disc and see if it can repair it.

I was just going to suggest using Recovery Console to repair XP.

Also have you tried System File Checker?

Click Start, and then click Run.
In the Open box, type sfc /scannow, and then click OK.

Finally, I believe you mentioned that no service packs are installed. I
would at least consider running Windows Update and/or installing SP2. If
nothing else you will then have the latest MSJVM (Microsoft Java Virtual

I am still wondering about a corrupted Java install since at least some of
the sites you are having trouble with use a lot of Java applets.

There is the "Diagnostic Tool for the Microsoft VM 1.0a" at

Perhaps you'll get lucky (you deserve it) and it will uncover some problem.

Please keep us posted.


Michael T

One other 'check' I found while researching a different problem is to check
your browser add-ons.

Go to Tools > Internet Options > Programs (tab) > Manage Add-ons (button)

You can then select and disable add-ons individually via the Disable radio
button to see if this has any effect.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP IE/OE

GTX_SlotCar said:
Thanks. I'll give it a try Monday morning and let you know.


I believe the option Michael mentions is a feature of WinXP SP2. For
earlier versions, Tools | Internet Options | Advanced | Enable Third Party
Browser Extensions (uncheck). If that fixes it then remove them.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
Please respond in Newsgroup only. Do not send email
Protect your PC

Michael T

Frank Saunders said:
I believe the option Michael mentions is a feature of WinXP

Thanks Frank. I should have remembered that SP2 is required and that it is
not (or was not) installed. Especially since I just mentioned it yesterday
in another post in this thread.


Robert Aldwinckle

GTX_SlotCar said:
Our secretary's IE6 won't open some sites.

It may help to make your symptom description more precise.
What does "won't open" entail?

Have you tried a packet trace to see how far it is getting?

Alternatively, start with nslookup and telnet to see how
far you can get with a simulation.

I don't know if there's anything
in common with them. For example, it won't open,,, but it will open, and
I've run AVG, SpyBot S&D, Adaware, CWshredder, and AboutBuster (all updated)
and installed and ran MS AntiSpyware (not updated because I can't access any
MS sites). I've also run HijackThis and the short log doesn't show any

Some problem symptoms like this are thought to be caused by
well-respected third-party toolbars. Have you tried uninstalling
or at least disabling such things if any are in use?

On a suggestion, I reinstalled several .dll files (softpub, wintrust,
initpki, dssenh, rsaenh, gpkcsp, sccbase, sibcsp and cryptdlg). Finally, as
a last resort, I installed Firefox and tried accessing the site from that.
So far, nothing has worked. I'd appreciate any new ideas.

Are you sure that she is getting the same DNS addresses that
you do?

Best tack is trace. Otherwise refine your symptom description
by analysing each phase of a simulation.

If you just want another guess with something you haven't
mentioned I'd say check for MTU size packet fragmentation.
Comparative traces would expose that even if you can't use
the ping -l -f diagnostic with the problem sites.

<title>KB314825 - How to Troubleshoot Black Hole Router Issues</title>


Robert Aldwinckle


That did it. I turned off browser extensions, rebooted and all the sites are
accessible. I turned them back on again, rebooted and all sites are still
accessible. So I assume turning off the extensions reset something or got
rid of a malware related extension where the malware no longer exists on the
system. Does that sound right?
A big thanks to Michael, Frank and Jon.


Michael T

GTX_SlotCar said:
That did it. I turned off browser extensions, rebooted and all the sites
accessible. I turned them back on again, rebooted and all sites are still
accessible. So I assume turning off the extensions reset something or got
rid of a malware related extension where the malware no longer exists on
system. Does that sound right?
A big thanks to Michael, Frank and Jon.


Thank you for posting your results. So glad you finally solved it.


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