IE6 (SP2) very sluggish while downloading



Windows XP Home (SP2)

After installing SP2, I find that while I'm doing a download, IE is very
sluggish to connect to websites. It frequently returns "page cannot be
displayed". I can usually get the website to connect by clicking the Refresh
button (may require several tries), nevertheless it's a significant

This problem did not happen before installing SP2, so there's something
about SP2 that's making IE extra-sluggish while doing a download.

Of course I've performed several system maintenances and defrags since
installing SP2 a month or so ago, but there's no improvement.

I suspect that some kind of IE timer is involved, that was changed by SP2.
It shouldn't return a "page cannot be displayed" so quickly (usually within
15-20 seconds). It should try to connect to a website for at least 5 minutes
before it gives up. Correct?

Any idea how to fix this?



Did you get a response to this? Mine is doing the same
thing. Slow- slow- slow! I have done all the general
cleanup I can but IE is still not working.


Yours is the only response so far.
I've done a little googling and came up with this link:
At the bottom of the page it suggests a registry tweak to change the IE
timeout settings. It says that the computer should then be reset, which I
cannot do for another 10+ hours when my current long download is completed.
Maybe you can test it sooner, then let me know if it works... :)


I tried it and that registry tweak has no effect on my Windows XP Home
(SP2). It's still super-sluggish and often fails to connect to a website
(the page cannot be displayed) while doing a download. That's very important
to me. So, for that reason, when I reinstall my op system, I probably won't
reinstall SP2. That may not be too far in the future, because my computer
has begun to act funny in many ways after installing SP2 about a month ago.
It works OK in general, but quirky and not so reliable. Even reboots don't
always work, freezes at the desktop, etc. That's only coincidental evidence,
nevertheless I had a good installation and no significant problems before
SP2. I'm starting to join the long chorus line which sings:

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