IE6 says the page cannot be displayed. Mozilla works fine?

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A few weeks ago my computer got a problem. I don't know if it's IE6 or
something else that effects IE6, but whatever it is IE6 keeps giving me "The
page cannot be displayed" error, even though I am connected to the internet
via dial-up or wireless. No programs that I use that use the internet will
work except for Mozilla Firefox or Ares (a p2p filesharing program like

I got this problem a few weeks ago and was determined to fix it but I had to
go out of town for a week and a half so my dad sent my cpu into the pc repair
shop in town. That was a bad idea since all the guy did was reinstall
windows (I could have done that) and talk my dad into purchasing a 120gig
hard-drive when I already had an 80gig which is easily enough gig to satisfy

Anyway the problem was fixxed and all seemed well. I suspected that maybe I
had gotten a virus or trojan from downloading files off my p2p program.
That wasn't the case however. Once I returned home and discovered my cpu
wiped clean I had to start redownloading/reinstalling programs most of which
were online games.

I had only downloaded and installed:

Ares p2p - I didn't download anything on this program except for
MozillaFirefox(trusted) which good thing I downloaded or I wouldn't have
internet access at all.

Asheron's Call - My dad's choice online rpg. (trusted)

Dark Age of Camelot - My online rpg. (trusted)

SNES9X - A super nintendo emulator. (trusted)

Secret of Mana - A super nintendo rom which I played while waiting on
downloads. (trusted)

Everything was working fine, the only browsing of websites I did were
trusted widely used AC and DAoC information websites.

After finishing the update patching for DAoC I logged in and played for a
bit then logged out to take a break. I left for a bit and when I returned
noticed that I couldn't connect to the DAoC server. So I checked my
connection status and it was good, I then opened IE6 to see if other webpages
would work... and they didn't. I toggled auto-detect proxy settings and
other options in internet options but nothing helped. No one was on my
computer while I was gone... So how does it go from being fine one moment and
to not working the next? (Especially after only downloaded trusted files and
visiting trusted websites.)

I ran virus, adware, and spyware scans more than once. I made several
changes in internet options that I thought would help and none worked.

The problem my cpu was sent in to the repair shop for was back no longer
than a week later. I could reinstall windows but then that'd mean I would
have to redownload around 6+gbs of information I just finished downloaded on
a DL speed of 10-40kb/s wireless connection that only works half the time.
(Direcway is slow but it's decent enough living in a remote area.)

I've searched quite a bit to find a solution to my problem but have come
across no answers yet. Can anyone PLEASE HELP ME. I fear that if I do
reinstall windows and redownload my programs the problem may return only for
me to have to repeat the only fix I know of again. If I can't find a fix to
this problem that doesn't require me to wipe all the files off my comp it
will make the 1.7k invested into it a waist. I got this machine for gaming
but I cannot game if I cannot connect to the servers.

I have:

Mircrosoft Windows XP
Home Edition
Version 2002
Service Pack2
Intel Pentium4(HT) CPU 3.40GHz
3.39 GHz, 1.00 GB RAM.
GeForce 6800 Series GPU

I'm not real computer literate so if you have a solution try not to
leave the short cuts out to files I may need to access if so.


thank you...
I managed to fix a couple connectivity issues.

I accidently left out that I also downloaded a free download manager. (since
the files I'm downloading are so large.)

The download manager wasn't working either, but I was able to locate a list
of options at which one was set to connect though IE - I switched that to "no
proxy" and now it works.

DAoC is working now too, however AC and IE will not connect at all.

I also just did a search on these boards and found very many posts similar
to mine with no solutions to the problem. >.<

I guess I'll just have to wait it out, I'm sure MS will come out with a fix
sometime or another. Untill then I'll just use Mozilla Firefox and play DAoC
and dad will have to play his game on the old computer.

Still yet, if any of you do find a fix - LEMME KNOW! :)

thanks again....