IE6 or 5.5 on WinME


Viking Mail

Hi all,

Apologies in advance if this post is somewhat convoluted - I've come to this
situation rather late in the day and I'm trying to make head or tail of it

I've been asked to look at a machine that is running WinME and IE (it's hard
to say what version, as I will explain below) because the machine takes an
unreasonably long time to display eBay pages, and often complains that a
"script is taking too long to run". I haven't seen this error message on
that machine myself yet. On seeing the machine, I noticed that IE is also
showing a number of "error on page" problems for almost every ebay page it
displays, and for a number of other web sites chosen at random, including

The user also told me that Windows Update had "stopped working" - his friend
had managed to persuade it to download some updates, but apparently there
remained one that couldn't be downloaded. I started Windows Update, and sure
enough it was complaining about a problem with the MSXML Parser. I followed
the link in the error page, downloaded and installed the latest version, and
Windows Update now appears to be working. This has done nothing to resolve
the problems with ebay and other websites, however.

The version of IE that is running on the machine looks like IE 5.5, in that
its icon and tool bar buttons etc appear to be those of 5.5. Thinking that
it might go some way to resolving his problems, I attempted to download and
install IE6. However, the setup program tells me that IE 6 is already
installed and that it has the latest version of all the components. I looked
at Help | About, and sure enough, About claims that the machine is running
IE 6.0.2800.1106C0.

I attempted to either repair or remove IE6 via Add / Remove Programs, but
the attempt fails as a file is missing (unfortunately, I do not have access
to the machine in order to verify which file that is at this time). I
attempted to reinstall IE6 from a CD, which also claimed that IE6 was
already installed and up to date, but gave me the option of re-dowloading
the files. I selected this option, but the setup constantly reported that it
was unable to do so and then restarted the machine.

Does anyone have any idea as to how this situation may have come about, and,
most importantly, how to resolve it?


Rob Ashburn.

Viking Mail

Hi Don,

thanks for that. I'll give that a go as soon as I have chance (may be next
week at this rate!) and report back.


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