IE6 opens home page, then goes to "http:///" and repeats itself, h



When logging in as one user and opening IE6, the start page is Google.
Google will appear but then IE will basically forward to a page with the URL
"http:///" (without quotes) giving the old white page with network stuff on
it. It will then refresh itself constantly to the point you can't get into
the toolbar menus at all. I've ran Adaware and Spybot with no luck and have
been looking today for other programs that may fix it. Have any of you ran
into this problem before and know how to get rid of it?

If I log in as another user IE does not repeat the problem and works just
fine. Thanks much for any hlep


Just wanting to mention that I have the exact same problem. Any help will be

Dave Cooper

You could rename your profile, if you're on Windows 2000 or XP, go to
C:\documents and settings, and add a letter to the folder with the, same
name as your user, You will have to log in as somebody else to do this, I
think you may need administrator priviledges

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP IE/OE

AgtFox25 said:
When logging in as one user and opening IE6, the start page is Google.
Google will appear but then IE will basically forward to a page with
the URL "http:///" (without quotes) giving the old white page with
network stuff on it. It will then refresh itself constantly to the
point you can't get into the toolbar menus at all. I've ran Adaware
and Spybot with no luck and have been looking today for other
programs that may fix it. Have any of you ran into this problem
before and know how to get rid of it?

If I log in as another user IE does not repeat the problem and works
just fine. Thanks much for any hlep

First eliminate any scumware.
CAUTION!!!!! Before you try to remove spyware using any of these programs ,
download a copy of LSPFIX from any of the following sites:
(if your OS is Win2k or XP) The process of removing certain malware may kill
your internet connection. If this should occur, this program, LSPFIX, will
enable you to regain your connection.

Dealing with Unwanted Malware, Parasites, Toolbars and Search Engines

Note that AdAware and SpyBot S & D will each catch some things the other
won't. Also, each needs to be updated with the program's update function
before every use, even when just downloaded. There's also a lot more to do
than just those two programs. CWShredder is also available here:
**Post your HijackThis log to or the Spyware forum at for expert analysis, not here.**
Alternative download pages for Ad-Aware, Spybot, HijackThis and CWShredder
may be found on this page:

See this link for information about malware:

If nothing there helps, please post back to this thread.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
Please respond in Newsgroup only. Do not send email
Protect your PC


How would changing the username via Windows Explorer fix the problem? From
my understanding you are talking about renaming C:\Documents and
Settings\User to C:\Documents and Settings\User1 or am I not understanding
you correctly? I'm not sure how that would fix the problem. Do I later on
flip it back to the original name?


Just after getting a XP home security update, I rebooted and the "http:///"
redirection started in IE . I hope this helps to whoever fixes it....

Note: Firefox works fine, and I do not have automatic updates inabled


I have the same problem (redirected to http:///) (three slashes). The first
time I saw it was when I installed a new wireless card on my wife's laptop,
wasted a whole day figuring I had done something wrong on the install. "Spy
sweeper" did not have any effect.

Did you find any resolution to this problem?

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