IE6 no longer works after installing SP2.



IE and various other programs that use the internet (like AIM) no longer work
after installing SP2. I get a crash message before anything loads. I saw
some of the other posts and tried some of their suggestions like running
SysClean etc but still nothing works.

Any help would be appreciated,


IE and various other programs that use the internet (like AIM) no longer work
after installing SP2. I get a crash message before anything loads. I saw
some of the other posts and tried some of their suggestions like running
SysClean etc but still nothing works.

Any help would be appreciated,

Hello Connor,

I am almost positive, You will find some Help on the following link,

Good Luck x@y.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP IE/OE

ConnorAB said:
IE and various other programs that use the internet (like AIM) no
longer work after installing SP2. I get a crash message before
anything loads. I saw some of the other posts and tried some of
their suggestions like running SysClean etc but still nothing works.

Any help would be appreciated,

Go to Start | Run and type
In the command window type
netsh winsock reset

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
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