jack starr
Quite often I'll be browsing one site and it'll load a
page from a different site that I visited several hours
before. This happens even if I clear my cache and cookies
in between.
The only way I can get around it is to keep clicking the
refresh button, and sometimes (rarely) the correct page
will load. If I close IE and then restart it sometimes
that helps, but often the only thing I can do is restart
the computer.
Any ideas?
I'm running Windows XP home, IE6, and I've got a
frequently updated PC-Cillin virus scanner running.
Many thanks
page from a different site that I visited several hours
before. This happens even if I clear my cache and cookies
in between.
The only way I can get around it is to keep clicking the
refresh button, and sometimes (rarely) the correct page
will load. If I close IE and then restart it sometimes
that helps, but often the only thing I can do is restart
the computer.
Any ideas?
I'm running Windows XP home, IE6, and I've got a
frequently updated PC-Cillin virus scanner running.
Many thanks