In the past few days, we've been seeing more and more
known good html POST forms fail when the browser is MSIE6.
Sometimes it works, other times CONTENT_LENGTH is zero and
no data at all is sent. Hitting refresh will most always
make it work though.
It seems to be only after the latest IE patch is
installed. Is it possible the MS has put a timing problem
into IE, and does anyone think they know about it already?
We get so many form submits (cartserver.com gets several
form submits per second) that even intermittent failures
cause big problems. Anyone care to weigh in?
In the past few days, we've been seeing more and more
known good html POST forms fail when the browser is MSIE6.
Sometimes it works, other times CONTENT_LENGTH is zero and
no data at all is sent. Hitting refresh will most always
make it work though.
It seems to be only after the latest IE patch is
installed. Is it possible the MS has put a timing problem
into IE, and does anyone think they know about it already?
We get so many form submits (cartserver.com gets several
form submits per second) that even intermittent failures
cause big problems. Anyone care to weigh in?