IE6 form POST operation sporadic after sp install

  • Thread starter Thread starter Americart
  • Start date Start date



In the past few days, we've been seeing more and more
known good html POST forms fail when the browser is MSIE6.
Sometimes it works, other times CONTENT_LENGTH is zero and
no data at all is sent. Hitting refresh will most always
make it work though.

It seems to be only after the latest IE patch is
installed. Is it possible the MS has put a timing problem
into IE, and does anyone think they know about it already?
We get so many form submits ( gets several
form submits per second) that even intermittent failures
cause big problems. Anyone care to weigh in?
Just to say that I am having the same problem, and it is causing me a serious headache.
-----Original Message-----
Just to say that I am having the same problem, and it is causing me a serious headache.

I've found reference to it in several places now around
the web. Empty POSTs. What bug will they think of next!
We are testing a workaround for the IE6 POST problem introduced with
KB832894 -- at this point I cannot say if this has fixed the problem,
or simply made it a lot less likely to occur. The workaround was
simply to turn off HTTP keepalive on the server. While this has
resulted in reduced performance, at least our web application is
working properly again.

Hi all with the POST problem after installing the
recent IE patch:

As per Zeph's suggestion in the previous post on this

We have configured our Apache 1.3.x web server to turn
off HTTP keepalive for
IE6.0 with the following httpd.conf line:

<IfModule mod_setenvif.c>

# The following directives modify normal HTTP response
# The first directive disables keepalive for Netscape
2.x and browsers that
# spoof it. There are known problems with these
browser implementations.
# The second directive is for Microsoft Internet
Explorer 4.0b2
# which has a broken HTTP/1.1 implementation and does
not properly
# support keepalive when it is used on 301 or 302
(redirect) responses.
BrowserMatch "MSIE 6\.0;" nokeepalive

I have tried many times to repeat the sporadic problem
that had been happening
after I installed the latest IE patch and I cannot seem to
make it happen now.

So, I believe that his workaround fixes the problem for us.
