ie6 for 98/me/nt4 ?



I have read that these systems run best with ie5.5 rarther than ie6 is this
true or should I upgrade on my 98se and nt4sp6a systems ?

C A Upsdell

Dave said:
IE5.5 is no longer supported. IE6 SP1 is available for download at
You shoudl run a supported version of the product to be sure that critical
updates are available.

All the recent security updates I have seen have been for relevant
versions of 5.01, 5.5, and 6.0. For example, 05-054 was for all three,
and 06-004 was for 5.01 only. IE 5.0, OTOH, has not been supported for
a long time.

Richard in AZ

C A Upsdell said:
All the recent security updates I have seen have been for relevant versions of 5.01, 5.5, and 6.0.
For example, 05-054 was for all three, and 06-004 was for 5.01 only. IE 5.0, OTOH, has not been
supported for a long time.
Only Windows 95 cannot handle IE 6. You still need OE 5.5 for Windows 95.

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