IE6 Chokes On Some Web Sites


Lanny Bender

I'm running XP Pro and IE6, SP-1. I've tried uninstalling IE and
re-installing, using:;en-us;293907&Product=ie600
to no avail.
I cleared Temporary Internet Files and the cache. I've run my virus
checker, w/ the latest virus database updated. It's AVG, virus database
1/19/2004. I've run the latest versions of Spybot S&D and Adaware. These
came up empty, BTW.

IE6 still hangs on several web sites, most notably on:; but Mozilla goes right to it.



I have the same problem with IE6 Xp home edition Dell
Inspiron 5100 laptop Most web site load normally but
Verizon won't fully load


Matthew Shaw

You cannot uninstall IE6 on Windows XP. If you read the article itself, it
will tell you that. With regards to your problem...I have no idea. Does it
seem to occur the most with websites that use images extensively (I see
wheel of fortune does).

Lanny Bender

Yes, Matthew,
I just tried to load, a real graphics intensive
site. IE6 choked again.
Is this a clue?
What I don't understand is why my home page: doesn't
choke IE6. It's loaded with images.
I've got a 1.5Mbps cable modem which should load any graphics intensive site
with ease. Typical download speed is about 1600 Kbps and upload speed runs
around 200Kbps. So I don't believe it's my physical connection to the

Tedd Riggs

You should be fine for loading TVGuide unless your memory is tied up with
alot of open windows, TV Guide does have tons of junk on it and alot of it
is Flash type things that are always moving. For me, TV Guide takes about 30
seconds to load, MSN about 3 seconds (dial-up) How is your free memory doing
? I would guess that TV Guide will take it up fast.

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