IE6 cannot download files - HELP!!! thx!

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I am running XP Pro SP2 and IE6SP2 and cannot download files. The error
message states Cannot down load <file name> from <domain name>

Has anyone seen similar problems?

Any solutions?

Is Windows Defender installed? Did you uninstall any Norton application
since you've owned this machine?
Thank you PA Bear,

I'm not familiar with Windows Defender.

I have a Symantec anti virus that has been on the machine since day-1.

Things were working fine until a couple of weeks ago and now something has
changed. It may be because I deleted something during a disk clean up that I
shouldn't have. I've tried re-installing IESP1 but nothing changed ie that
didn't help.

Something odd: In Tools/Internet Options on the General tab there is a
button for 'Settings' under Temporary Internet Files. On my system there is
nothing listed for "Current Location" and I can't set "Amount of disk space
to Use". It is currently at '0' and when I try to set it to something other
than '0' it gives me an error message saying the amount must be between 0 and
1. The slider doesn't increment the number on the right, either as I would
have expected it to. I figure this must be due to the fact there is no
location for these files.

In my directory structure I do, however, find a folder called "temporary
internet files' under c:/documents and settings/<userid>/local settings

I expect that maybe, during a disk clean up, I deleted a folder that is
causing this problem and for some reason, the reinstall isn't
replacing/correcting this problem. I don't know if this is related to my down
load issue or not.

Any ideas?
How did you do this "disk clean up" (e.g., WinXP's Disk Cleanup; Registry
Mechanic, EasyClean, CCleaner)?

Do you have an available Restore Point which predates the clean up?

Did you upgrade from WinXP SP1 to WinXP SP2 or did the machine come with
WinXP SP2 preinstalled?
I'm currently running XPSP2. It was an upgrade some months ago. Regarding the
cleanup. I did a combination of using the cleanup buttons under tools/options
and I believe I manually went into the temp files and highlighted and deleted
files. Even though I'd use the "Delete Temporary Internet Files" in the IE
options dialogs, this folder would retain several tens of MB of temporary
files. I found those and deleted them manually.

The folder "Temporary Internet Files" still exists and 'properties' of this
file says it currently has 35MB in files in 1700 files and 34 folders. When
using Windows Explorer, I can't see any of these files or folders even though
I've selected the show hidden files and folders.
I don't have a restore point that I'm aware of. I don't even know if the
deletions that I did caused the problem.
The problem you seem to be having is with a corrupted TIF folder. One clue
is that the size of the folder per IE's Tools...Internet
Options...General...Settings is zero and cannot be changed.
Use another user account with Admin. privileges and delete the TIF *folder*
in the problem account then reboot. More info: If no joy, also delete the
account's History and Cookies folders, reboot. Remember to back up any
important cookies for sites that you may have customizations or passwords
stored for.
Hi Jon,

I logged in as administrator went to a command prompt. CD'd to the directory
above the TIF but when I do a DIR command the TIF is not listed. I can cd to
the TIF indicated by the command prompt line now includes 'Temporary Internet
Files'. But if I then cd .. to get up one level I can't del the TIF. It says
the file not found.
What am I doing wrong? Why won't the TIF list out with the dir command?

You don't need to use cmd, just use Windows Explorer or My Computer. Make
sure you are logged in from a *different* account w/ Admin. privileges to
delete the TIF *folder* from the problem account. Reboot.