IE6 Cache Problems .... Urgent Help Needed!!

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I've just upgraded my PC to XP and installed all the necessary security
patches, etc. I built a new disk, creating a new C: drive, but have older
partitions from a previous Win2K installation. So C: is NTFS, the others

After I tried to move the cache folder away from the C: drive, IE no longer
caches anything. I've move the folders around all my disk partitions/drives
but I get the same problem. I've even reformatted a couple of partitions to
clean them completely ... FAT32 and NTFS. Moving to back the C: drive now
fails. As does all my different users. Once it stopped for one user, it
stopped working for all. I've even created new users ... these don't work

When I try and access a website, IE just sits there .... the XP flag shows
activity, but nothing appears and no files get added to the cache folder.

The only obvious problem appears to be that nearly all my folders ... old
and new ... appear to be READ-ONLY!! Resetting them through explorer only
lasts a few seconds ... they go back to RO very quickly. I've tried from the
top level and even partway down , and asked for the change to include
subfolders all to no avail. As I said, I also tried reformatting the
partition again. All this is being done as administrator or a user with Admin

What is going wrong here???

BTW: My Firefox installation works fine ....