IE6 Browser Page Hijacked


Terry Haeber

Hello. Hoping someone can help me.
Within the last hour, while reading various MS newsgroup postings, my IE6
browser page has been taken over by a Window Washing program called Evidence
Eliminator. I have tried refreshing and rebooting, have run Ad Aware SE and
AVG and rebooted, but it's still there.
The page that is displayed is titled "Privacy Violation In Progress... (502
IPW Warning)". The page itself has no reference to Evidence Eliminator. I
googled 502 IPW Warning but found nothing. In desperation I clicked on an
info link on the garbage page and found out it is for Ev. El. I googled this
but could not find anything dealing with my problem.

First, can anyone tell me how to get rid of it?
Second, does Microsoft have a process for dealing with this kind of
situation, and if so is there a site that I can mail the offending page to?

As always, thanks for any help.


XP Home, SP2, IE6

Jan Il

Hi Terry :)

You don't mention the version of Windows you are using so I can only guess
at a suggestion. You likely have adware/spyware/malware on your system that
is causing this problem. Follow the information below to fully clean your
system and find out how to prevent this problem.

Courtesy of Frank Saunders -

What You Should Know About Spyware

Help with Hijackware
All MS - MVP Sites.

Unexplained computer behavior may be caused by deceptive software.

Hope this helps.

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other readers.
How to make a good newsgroup post:

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE

stewie said:
Hi, I have had this happen to be today also.

Its goes on to say about how your being watched and listed words of
sexual nature that are on the system ( not words that I have ever
typed anyway! ), listed what version of windows I was using, my IP
address and which country I live in. Went on to say I am now put
down as HIGH RISK!!

There is a link to this Evidence Eliminator within the message.

I contacted Wanadoo as soon as I saw it and they totally did not want
to know.

Is this message true? Am I being watched by the police???!!! Or was
it a spoof thing thats tried to get me to download this Evidence
eliminator? I have ran my anti spyware programs and they have found
no problems.

Thanks for any help.

I am running Xp service pack 2.

First, always assume that the police, the FBI, the CIA and the NSA can see
everything on your computer.

But other that that, it is just spam for the programs. It may be making up
the words and the rest is easily available by script to any message on your
computer if you are not using OE in the Restricted zone.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE
Please respond in Newsgroup only. Do not send email
Protect your PC


I havee the same problem and if u find out how to eliminate it can u
tell me (e-mail address removed)


I've noticed several posts in various newsgroups referring to problems of
the Browser page being hijacked.. Some hijackers will even keep you from
being able to access a search engine.. or worse yet, will 'infect' your
and then brazenly put in a pop-up message telling you to purchase their
program to get rid of the 'parasite' they installed on your computer..

I would suggest that you go to
to learn more about this method of keeping the 'bad guys' off your computer.

The MVPS have other help issues that might interest you..

It is all FREE and worthwhile looking at if you aren't familiar with the
HOST file..
