IE6 Authentication Problems

  • Thread starter Thread starter Damian Beepath
  • Start date Start date

Damian Beepath

Hi All,

I am having a problem with IE6 accessing a secure site in
a different domain. I am using Windows 2000 with IAS. The
problem is as follows:
When I try to login into a website in a different domain
through the IAS, the login prompt comes up. I then put in
the username pass and domain name in either the
domain\user then pass format or the user, pass, domain
format, depending on the OS I am running IE6 from (2000
or XP).
What happens is the prompt is repeated and I cannot gain
access to the page no matter how may times I put in the
information. I then proceeded to access the site using
IE5 on Windows 2000 and it works perfectly, also Netscape
works perfectly. I can access the site in IE6 ONLY if I
bypass the IAS. This leads me to believe the problem lies
with IE6 sending authentication information through the
IAS server. Does anyone have any idea what I can do to
resolve this problem?

Try this fix.

You Cannot Access Your MSN E-mail Account or Authenticate with a Web Site in
Various Programs
When you try to access your MSN e-mail account, you may receive the
following error message:
You cannot successfully authenticate with a Web site in various programs
(for example, Windows Media Player). For example, you may be prompted for
your user name and your password several times, and you may receive the
error message that is described in this section or an other error message
from the Web site that indicates that you cannot access even after you type
the correct user name and password. (i. e. 6. W98/se/NT4/W2000/XP

Other issues with Password and IE.

Henri Leboeuf
Web page: